Emergency Management

Emergency Management

The UAPD Division of Emergency Management is responsible for creating a more resilient campus. We offer preparedness trainings on topics, such as preventing campus violence. The program lengths and descriptions are provided below, but they can be modified to fit your needs. We also assist in creating departmental or building specific emergency plans, such as Building Emergency Action Plans or Continuity of Operations Plans. If you are looking to grow your preparedness efforts, please contact the Emergency Management Division via email at uaem@uark.edu.

We offer a variety of training over various preparedness topics:

Preventing Campus Violence: (90 minutes) This training will cover why workplace violence happens, police response during an incident, and how to report concerns.

Emergency Preparedness on Campus: (60 minutes) In this training we will talk about how we can prepare and respond to the most common emergencies.

Stop The Bleed


Stop the Bleed: (90 minutes) A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes. Thus, it is critically important to quickly stop blood loss. Those nearest to someone with a bleeding injury can make a life-saving difference if they are adequately trained to provide first care.

This course offers training in basic bleeding control techniques such as direct pressure, wound packing and tourniquet application. The course is appropriate and encouraged for the general public. 

Tabletop Exercises: (1.5-2 hours) We can plan and facilitate tabletop exercises where team members meet in an informal, classroom setting to discuss their roles during an emergency and their responses to a particular emergency situation. 

Incident Command System Training: (90 minutes) ICS is a management system UAPD and other first response agencies use.  We provide this training to departments who wish to be familiar with incident management.

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events(CRASE): (4 hours) This training is a more in depth review of past active shooter events, how people responded and survived those events.  Students will practice what they learned and how to Avoid, Deny, Defend.

For more information on emergency procedures or campus safety in general, please visit the Campus Safety website.

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